Field Trip: The Age of Steam Roundhouse - Part 2 of 3

Further to our last posting, we complete our virtual field trip to the Age of Steam Roundhouse in Sugarcreek, Ohio. At the above left, we get a closer look at their 17 stall roundhouse. It is also interesting to note that 5 of their 9 steam locomotives are former CP, CN or GTW engines as shown in the attached images. The engines (counterclockwise from the middle above) are:
- Grand Trunk 4-8-4 No. 6325
- Canadian Pacific 4-6-2 No. 1293
- Canadian Pacific 4-8-2 No. 1278
- Canadian Northern 4-6-0 No. 1551
- Grand Trunk Railway 2-6-0 No. 96
In the "Where we are going ..." part of their website, they offer the following:
"Wishing to share with others Jerry’s passion for the steam locomotive, we at the Age of Steam Roundhouse seek to:
- Preserve the steam locomotives, historic diesels, passenger cars and other railroad relics in the collection of Jerry Joe Jacobson.
- Construct a full-scale, operating and realistic roundhouse and back shop to overhaul, repair and maintain Jerry’s rolling stock.
- Fire-up and operate the steam locomotives on non-passenger carrying freight trains.
- Display and interpret this railroad heritage for the edification, enlightenment and entertainment of future generations of Americans.
The entire Age of Steam Roundhouse and site are being constructed and maintained with private funds donated by Jerry Joe and Laura Jacobson. It is expected that the roundhouse and back shop shall be completed in late 2010, with other buildings and structures being completed later during Phase 2 of this massive undertaking. Additionally, an endowment has been established so that the monumental construction work of this roundhouse and the treasures it contains may be guaranteed continued existence into the future.
Since he no longer owns a railroad line, Jerry will not be running passenger excursion trains. His equipment, both locomotives and cars, are available for use by other tourist railroads and excursion train operators. Additionally, numerous times each year Jerry’s steam locomotives will be used to power freight trains across the rails of neighboring railroads. We will post the schedules about these trips on this web site. "
The last sentences open up a real possibility for very interesting fan trips in future to an area which is only about 6 hours away from Toronto by road.
Click here for read Part 3 of this posting
Posting by Russ Milland; Images from the Age of Steam Roundhouse website.

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