From the Archives - Smoke Stack Demolition in 1990
On June 17th 1990, from his vantage point high atop the Gardiner expressway, which was closed for the occasion, photographer Norm Betts recorded the demolition of the two smoke stacks of the Toronto Central Heating plant. This coal-fired plant produced steam to heat much of the downtown core including Union Station, the Royal York Hotel and the John St Roundhouse. A network of steam pipes ran underground through tunnels, many of which are still there today.
In the first four pictures, we see the demolition of the western smokestack.
Click on each picture for a closer look!

The final three pictures show the eastern chimney coming down with a great view of the Lakeshore Blvd and Bay St intersection and downtown as it was eighteen years ago.
In our next news item tomorrow, the story of the Central Heating Plant will be told.
Story by Derek Boles; Pictures by Norm Betts
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